coaching solutions

Coaching Solutions for Executives and Employees

We offer a wide range of coaching services for all phases of individual career development around leadership, communication, presentation, and conflict resolution skills.

If you are looking for improvement in any of these areas for your executives or employees, we have a coaching solution: In-person or virtual; in German, English, or many other languages.

Overview of coaching solutions:

Reden und Vorträge konzipieren und strukturieren


Conflict Coaching: Proactively Managing Difficult Situations

Resolve conflicts better, faster, and more cooperatively.

Additional training solutions that might be interesting:

Leadership Training

Coaching Essentials

Behind every top employee is a competent coach

Consultation and service included

Our HR Development Team supports you with coaching solutions for leaders and employees: regional, global, and in many languages.

Resources and insights on the topic of coaching:

Coaching Fähigkeiten von Führungskräften

Coaching Skills: Eine Schwachstelle bei Führungskräften

Um die Auswirkung des Coaching-Verhaltens von Führungskräften besser zu verstehen, führten die Forscher*innen von The Ken Blanchard Companies® eine Studie durch.